Explore the forefront of cold chain innovation and elevate your expertise in our workshop, which delves into cutting-edge strategies and technologies to enhance the effectiveness of international and regional cold chains. Explore the latest developments in eco-friendly and energy-efficient refrigeration, discuss strategies to optimise costs while maintaining high-quality standards, and analyse real-world examples of successful cold chain optimisation initiatives.
Topics covered:
Application of the Passive Cold Chain Solution for Milk Preservation and Transportation in sub-Saharan Africa by Dr. Asaah Ndambi, Senior International Animal Production Specialist, Wageningen University & Research
In most sub-Saharan countries, milk marketing systems suffer from poor milk quality, unfunctional quality control systems, and no pricing based on quality or demand/supply fluctuations. Most of the marketed milk passes through an informal channel, making quality control more challenging. Also, in most cases, milk collection is only done once, limiting farmers from the opportunity to sell their evening milk, and leading to a great loss of a potential source of income. On the other hand, many milk processors are operating below their installed capacities. IKIC Impact Ventures BV, a Belgium-based company, is piloting a passive cold chain solution that preserves evening milk till morning. This solution is especially effective in low-resource settings with limited accessibility, reliability, and affordability of energy and transportation. The solution uses thermostatic batteries with stainless steel casings containing a phase-changing material, which allows a stable and predictable cooling environment for temperature-sensitive products such as milk. The technology is recent and has been proven to effectively lower milk temperature and maintain its quality overnight in Ethiopia.
Simplifying the Cold-Chain with Phase Change Material by Mr. Jan van Acquoij, Managing Director of Pluss Advanced Technologies
On average, 40% of produce are lost during farm-to-consumer transportation. In some African countries this number is even reaching 80%, because the cold-chain is not maintained from farm to fork. This issue can be addressed by integrating Phase Change Material (PCM) into both off-grid cold storage and thermo packing to maintain the cold-chain.
PCM is just like ice, yet it can be ice that is -26dgC or 3dgC or 20dgC meaning that you can store thermal energy in the PCM. In the cold-chain is acts as a thermal battery and is suitable to store and transport various temperature-sensitive products like fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meat and fish (fresh or frozen).
After this presentation you will know how PCM can help to setup a cold-chain from farm-to-fork in off-grid areas.
The Importance of Storage in the Potato Economy by Mr. Jorrit Wielenga, Account Manager at Tolsma-Grisnich.
The potato industry is a growing industry across Africa. The cultivation of local potato varieties is becoming more important, European potato varieties are creating a larger market share in the African landscape and, in addition, more and more crisps factories are positioning themselves in Africa. With this, the need for a good potato storage facility is more important. This goes hand in hand with the right knowledge of the product combined with the right technical solutions.